Sunday 2 March 2014

Roof catchment

  • The roof of the house is used as the catchment for collecting rain water.
  • The style construction and material of the roof effect its suitability as a catchment.
  • Roofs made of corrugated iron sheet , asbestos sheet, Tiles or Concrete can be utilized for harvesting the rain water.

  • Gutters are channels fixed to the edges of roof all around to collect & transport the rainwater from the roof. 
  • Gutters can be made in semi-circular and rectangular shape with cement pipe, plain galvanized iron sheet, PVC pipes, bamboos etc.
  • Use of locally available material reduce the overall cost of the system. 
Down Pipe

  • It is the pipe which carries the rainwater from the gutters to the filter & storage tank. 
  • Down pipe is joined with the gutters at one end & the other end is connected to the filter unit of the storage tank. 
  • PVC or GI pipe of 50mm to 75mm (2 to”) are commonly used for down pipe.
  • Bamboo can be also used wherever available and possible.

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