Sunday 2 March 2014

  • There is more ground water than surface water.
  • Ground water is less expensive and economic resource.
  • Ground water is sustainable and reliable source of water supply.
  • Ground water is relatively less vulnerable to pollution.
  • Ground water has usually high bacteriological purity.
  • Ground water is free of pathogenic organisms.
  • Ground water needs little treatment before use.
  • Ground water has no turbidity and colour.
  • Ground water has distinct health advantage as alternative for lower sanitary quality surface water.
  • Ground water is usually universally available.
  • Ground water resource can be instantly developed and used.There is no conveyance losses in ground water based supplies.
  • Ground water has low vulnerability to drought.
  • Ground water is key to life in arid and semi-arid regions.
  • Ground water is source of dry weather flow in rivers and streams.

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