Sunday 2 March 2014

Rainwater harvesting – Methodologies

  • Roof Rain Water Harvesting
  • Land based Rain Water Harvesting
  • Watershed based Rain Water harvesting
 For Urban & Industrial Environment –
   Roof & Land based Rainwater harvesting.
  •         Public, Private, Office & Industrial buildings
  •         Pavements, Lawns, Gardens & other open  space
Rain Water Harvesting– Advantages 

1.Provides self-sufficiency to water supply.
2.Reduces the cost for pumping of ground water.
3.Provides high quality water, soft and low in minerals.
4.Improves the quality of ground water through dilution when recharged.
5.Reduces soil erosion & flooding in urban areas.
6.The rooftop rain water harvesting is less expensive & easy to construct,            operate and maintain.
7. In desert, Rainwater harvesting only relief.
8. In saline or coastal areas & Islands, rain water provides good quality water.

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